Friday 26 February 2010

Waipapakauri to Rawene

Day 2
Sat. 27 Feb. 2010
Dist: 100.5 km.
Av Spd: 20 km/hr
NRG: 1766 Cal.
Ride Time: 5 hrs 01 min

Big day - Bacon and eggs at the camp ground… 6 out of 10. Left Waipapakauri at 9.30 and sped in to Kaitaia. Being on bitumen felt fantastic and the bikes just cruised along. It was a perfect day for cycling today.
Kaitaia was a coffee destination for Tim and we stocked up on food for the day. Sharon and the boys headed back south after morning tea and Tim and I pedalled off toward Rawene.
The Twin Coast Discovery Highway is a great road to bike with very little traffic, classic grass-roots New Zealand scenery and people and a good mix of hills and flats. We got to Kohukoho just in time to grab an icy cold beer at the cafĂ© on the water before the ferry ride across to Rawene. On the ferry an old maori woman came and said Kia Ora to us and was very curious about what we were up to. She was really friendly but finished the conversation with “watch out those Ngapuhi don’t eat ya aye - nah I think they’re OK these days”.
Grabbed a cabin in Rawene and had a nice meal on the deck of the Hokianga Hotel.
All’s going well and the bikes are humming and we’re ahead of schedule doing 100km days. Feeling good despite the long distances.


  1. What a great day! Some (we thought big) hills some hard yards and alot of fun. Mark after 4 1/2 hours on the road you cranked it up to 32 kph for the last half hour and dragged me (Tim) in to Kohukohu for the best beer I ever tasted - what a mate!!

  2. Aaagh yes, that first taste of a well earned beer - like an angel crying on your tongue!
    There's nothing like the site, smell and anticipation of the 'finish line' to bring on the second (or was it the 4th) wind.
    Three great days Tim - thanks for joining me, it was a hoot.
