Wednesday 31 March 2010

Invercargill to Bluff

Day 34 - Wednesday 31 March 2010
Dist: 38 km. Av. Speed: 21 km/hr. Cal: 600. Ride Time: 1 hour 45 min

Sander and I coasted through the Bluff township just before lunch, admiring all the majestic old buildings and wondering about their past glory days. We slipped past the old paua house and around the beach front with the cool 40s bungalow era architecture, then around the final right hand bend… and there in front of us… was the sign marking the end of the road.
I rode straight to it, jumped off my bike and hugged it. It was over.

It was a wonderful feeling to have accomplished the goal of riding my bike from one end of my country to the other - but it was more than that. I’d successfully connected with family and friends from top to bottom - and through the middle - and shared some great times that I’ll never forget. I had many ‘moments’ when it just felt great to be alive and I reflected on how lucky I am to have been born in godzone country and how privileged I am to call so many great people friends.
Wow - what a trip! Six months of planning, 34 days to complete and memories and experiences that will last a lifetime.

Thank you to everyone who has helped along the way, with encouragement, texts, blog posts, logistics, food, beds, pick-ups, drop-offs, drafting and lots of laughs and good times. It’s been an absolute blast and a hoot to have shared it with you all. I couldn’t have done it without you.

There were a few showers last night and for a fleeting moment I thought my blessed run was over. But by dawn they’d gone and although the concrete coloured sky (thanks Bic) looked threatening it was yet another perfect day for a bike ride.
Sander and I set off for the final push to Bluff (via the offy) about 10:30 with a slight tail wind and carrying only minimal gear. We wove our way through the suburban streets of Invercargill and out on to the highway south. The road was pretty flat and it passed through wetlands and deer farms with Bluff Hill prominent about 25km in the distance. We made good speed and were soon entering the Bluff built-up zone past the massive freezing works that closed in 1991 and the ships graveyard where most of the once busy Foveaux Strait fishing fleet have been scuttled.
We found the sign pointing us up the infamous Bluff Hill, took a photo, and several deep breaths then started to climb. Now this is a serious hill and deserves respect. I was down to the granny gear almost immediately but determined not to walk it, so my strategy was to zig zag. It worked really well and gave me a chance to look back down the slope at the view as well. After lots of panting and grunting and talking to my weary legs I finally entered the last left hand bend and a nice tail wind popped me up on to the top and into the car park. But that’s not the top… the lookout has a ramp that spirals around the rocky knob and delivers you to the highest point for brilliant 360 degree views over Southland, Stewart Island and Foveaux Strait.
We met a family from Tauranga at the top and got them to take the necessary photos (for the pool room) before we descended back to Bluff township and around the waterfront to the end of State Highway 1.
Sander cracked the bubbles from the offy- while I sent texts and pixts - and we savoured the moment amongst the tourists, the mutton birds and the vicious sandflies.
It was past lunchtime by now and “The Drunken Sailor Café was right there, so what could we do but sample some local produce - the blue cod and oysters of course. Actually I can take or leave oysters and I’m yet to taste good blue cod, but it was a nice café with a perfect view over the strait.
After the massive lunch we set off back to Invercargill with far less energy and enthusiasm than we’d had on the way out, completing the 73km round trip about 4:30. Mission accomplished - awesome!

Some stats off the top of my head…
Days away: 34
Days with no pedalling: 4
Days paddling: 3
Days of rain: 0
Hours of rain: 0
Minutes of rain: 15 (yep, 15 minutes and that was just a sun shower)
Days of head winds: 1.5 (Wairau Valley and Hakataramea)
Crashes: 1 (my own stupid fault)
Close calls: 1 (my fault again, and I nearly took Butsy and Andrew down too)
Injuries: 0
Existing injuries that healed: 2
Special ‘moments’: 7
Friends/Family who pedalled: 7 (about 900km)
Friends/Family with beds: 7
Friends/Family with support: 7

Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and congratulations. It means a lot to have your support and is very much appreciated.
Below are some of the texts I received today... I hope you're all OK with me publishing them here...

Shari: Yah 4 u! Wel dun! C u friday!

Mum: Wot a gr8 sens of achievement u must b feeling ! Harty congrats ! ! !

Shelley: Wahooo! Looking 4wd 2 catching up on the weekend.

Tim & Sharon: Are u there yet??? Congratulations u officially qualify for the "U are a bloody legend !!"

Eddie: Outstanding work. You're a legend and it's certainly an adventure to be proud of!

Buttz: Congrats mate. Well done! That was easy.;-) what a fantastic achievement!

Frances: Woohoo! Comgrats! Savour th moment 2mrrw wit sander

Almo: LEGEND! Awesome mate! Enjoy...

Keith: U r a legend

Joris: Awesome! Congrats, was just checking your blog. Cheers for letting me join you for a bit. Hi to Sander & Catherine.

Rich: Well done ur a legend mate. C u soon Rich.

Stewart: Congratulations -fantastic achievement!!! It will be something to look back at with great pride.

John: Not quite there, you have Stewart Is to do yet! Na good on ya mate you're a legend. Respect. Cheers.

Kel: Congrats good effort b special dina nd drinks 2nite


  1. You are a legend !!!!! and nope sorry happy to cheer you on but no way i will be doing the coast to coast


    Check it out.

    Sammy, this should be the theme song (forget Willie Nelson - on the road again, maybe something for Keitha and the Volleyball team)
    From Cape Reinga to the Bluff Sammy did this for all of us, get off your sofa...
    Mate I missed the last couple of days, saved them up like a suspense filled novel. I was worried about another spoke through the rim, or a loose saddle bag felt it could have gone either way.
    I can't wait until you are MAYOR, well done mate you are nothing short of inspirational.

  3. Hey Sacha
    No pressure, but let's talk to Eddie about that tour van of yours as a our support vehicle! It'd be a great promo for Waihi - New Zealand's Heart of Gold :-)

    Gilbo - Good to hear from you big man. Will check out the tune - is it our 2012 C2C theme song?
    Yeah, the thought did cross my mind, especially as I was riding through the built-up area entering Invercargill in peak traffic "don't muck it up now mate". I was on a bit of a high and feeling a bit bullet-proof so had to keep reminding myself "concentrate, remember they're all trying to kill you".
    There was also the very real risk of blowing a foo foo valve on Bluff Hill too, which would have been a tragic end to the tale just 3km from the finish line!

  4. yeahi was thinking we should have done the support thru the Waikato.... well lets start the talk now cause i think its a real push but worth a try... bet your glad to be home and back to work lol...
