Thursday 18 March 2010

Wellington to Renwick

Day 20 - Wednesday 17 March 2010
Dist: 44 km. Av. Speed: 22.7 km/hr. Cal: 635. Ride Time: 2 hours 08 min

John kindly dropped me at the Ferry terminal where Joris was already checked in and waiting. We then waited until the very end and were last ones on the ferry.
It was quite a rough crossing with maximum wave height of 7.5m. They were handing out sick bags but we were all good.
We met another cycle tourist called Ramon who had just returned from two months cycling around Iceland.
I had my first crash today - making a clown of myself in front of a lot of people in Picton - damn sticky cleats!
It was a gusty pedal to Renwick and we arrived at Mark & Glenda Snalom’s (old school mate) place just after 5. They looked after us really well with a lovely meal, wine and good conversation. Mark is doing the Rainbow Rage on Saturday too so we picked his brain and got some good information.
Thanks Mark and Glenda, we really appreciate you taking the time to track us down and offer us your home for the night.

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