Sunday 14 March 2010

Eketahuna to Featherston

Day 18 - Monday 15 March 2010
Dist: 85.5 km. Av. Speed: 25.3 km/hr. Cal: 1708. Ride Time: 3 hrs 22 min

What a great day - again! It started off pretty cold but at least the wind was on my back yet again. I started a new eating regime today too - eat less! So breakfast was a small can of creamed rice, a banana, an orange and an ‘Up ’n’ Go. It seemed to work OK and I didn’t feel hungry for the 40km pedal to Masterton.
After listening to trucks roar up and over the rise that is Eketahuna all night I decided to avoid SH 2 for the morning and take the back road via Mauriceville to Masterton. It turned out to be a good plan because I got to see a wonderful section of Wairarapa countryside and only came across eight other vehicles over the whole stretch. The first 15km was gravel and reasonably easy at first but then there was a section of newly spread stuff which was like riding on ball bearings. Once I hit the seal the riding was fantastic and even when I met up with SH 2 the traffic was light and I made good time into Masterton for an early lunch.
After Masterton there was really no alternative than the highway but the traffic was still light and well behaved and there was a really wide shoulder as well. Carterton and Greytown came along pretty fast as the sun started to shine and the wind dropped off. I rested in Greytown for a short time then decided to push on to Featherston because there was a camp ground shown on the map. Unfortunately the map was out of date and there’s nothing, not even a motel in Featherston!
So I made some enquiries at the library (because the Information Centre was closed) and chased a couple of leads, ending up at the Tauherenikau race course camped in the bush behind the grandstand. It was a great spot but there weren’t any showers - just a toilet - so it was a cold splash under the outside tap.
Dinner options were limited on a Monday night so I ended at a local pizza place enjoying the local special with a cold Mac’s.
Tomorrow is the final North Island leg, 60km into Wellington City via the Rimutaka Rail Trail and Hutt River Trails. Should be a nice ride. It’s hard to believe the North Island is almost complete - what a hoot!


  1. Okay so the easy part of the trek is over and your heading into the mighty south. We have snow on them there hills at the moment so expect a cold welcome. Please ensure you have your passport and working visa. We just don't let anyone in you know.

  2. Hey Keith

    Snow! What's that? Mate, I've had 15 minutes of light drizzle in the last 18 days and I expect the same in the South too please. Can you make sure you arrange that for me? Anyway, what's this mighty South stuff? Next you'll be a Crusaders fan! Don't forget about the mighty Steamers.
    Actually I'm being harboured in Renwick by an ex Waihi schoolmate tomorrow night if I can evade immigration in Picton (because I forgot my passport) but don't need a working visa because I sure as hell aren't planning on doing any work bro!
    Will catch you guys on Sunday afternoon/evening. May well be a bit jaded and a bit saturated ater 140km in the rain - just looking at the forecast? Will you have the spa installed by then?

  3. Spa!!!! I can fill the bath and work out a way to blow some bubbles. Never be a crusaders supporter, would amputate my arms and legs first.
    Go the Steamers, Mike Delaney for Mayor.
