Saturday 6 March 2010

Rest day in Stillwater

Day 7 - Thursday 04 March 2010

I must have needed a rest day - I slept for 9 hours last night. Today was spent relaxing and updating the blog, replacing some broken spokes in my rear wheel and reading my book.
The book I’m reading is called Try, try again and it’s the story of Kiwi Jason Barrel’s battle with adversity. It’s a great read with descriptions of a classic Kiwi upbringing that most country people will be able to relate to.
After relaxing most of the day I decided to go for a run about 5, so trotted over to Dacre Cottage from Stillwater - a beautiful run along a beach then over a hill covered in Nikau forest to the next beach and Dacre Cottage.
Shelley and Mike cooked up a fabulous bbq meal to round off a cruisy day of recovery. Thanks Shelley and Mike - you are great hosts and I really appreciate your hospitality.

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